1. Describe the photographs.
Useful Language
In _____ there is/are…
(photo) shows…
How are they similar to and different from one another?
2. Which photo do you think is different from the others? Why?
There is no correct answer to this question because it asks what you think!
My first thought was that the third photograph is different because it isn’t connected to a school (the other three images are).
3. Would you rather (your children) go to school in a cave, in a forest, or on a river? Why?
Useful Language
I would rather + verb
I wouldn’t want to + verb
4. Read about three unique schools:
unique (adjective) different in some way
School 1
In rural areas of Bangladesh in the monsoon season, many schools flood and children cannot attend classes for weeks. To overcome this challenge, boats have been converted into floating schools to ensure the continuation of education.
School 2
Dongzhong elementary school in Mao village, China, was a school unlike any other. Dongzhong translates to “in cave”, which is appropriate because this school was actually inside a cave! The school operated from 1984 until its closure in 2011. During its busiest period, the school employed eight teachers who taught 186 children.
School 3
A growing movement across Europe is that of forest kindergartens. Forest kindergartens have classes outside and use the natural environment to inspire learning. Young learners who attend forest kindergartens get a practical, nature-based education and gain a respect for the outdoors.